Friday, January 29, 2010

St. Blath (? to 523)

One of my favorite cookbooks is "Twelve Months of Monastery Soups" by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette. Last time I looked at it, I pictured monks eating at banquet tables or alone in a dark, cool cave. And I discovered St. Blath, who we might call the personal chef to St. Brigid and the lovely sisters in the convent in Kildare, Ireland.
Nevermind the stars of the Food Network. I find it more intriguing to think about being in the company of the lovely nuns eating dishes made with the fresh vegetables and herbs that they picked that day.
St. Blath, who was often referred to as Flora, devoted her life to her dear friend Brigid. (Order St. Brigid crosses here.) She died in 523. Her feast day is Jan. 29.

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