Saturday, October 2, 2010

St. John the Apostle (c. 6 to c.100)

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."     (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

At a party last year, I had a twenty minute conversation with a guy before we both realized that we met at age 12 and sat next to each other in homeroom for six years. (Could it be that I went from a brunette to a blonde?)
We became Facebook friends and would periodically post comments or "likes" on each other's pages.
Then, this week, I started wondering why I've chosen particular paths in life to get where I am today. I'm not going through a midlife crisis. Rather, I'm thinking about certain decisions I've made. And, does any of it have to do with what I was like when I was in junior high or high school?
So, I figured what better person to ask than my Facebook friend since we saw each other every morning through good times and bad.
I sent him a message and told him why I was asking. It included something like this: "... was I sweet, kind, nice to people, mean, shy? What was I like?"
Several days have gone by and no answer. He's on the Internet all the time, so it's not like he didn't get my message. It just goes to show that sometimes talking in person beats writing an e-mail. It eliminates awkwardness and is an easier way to communicate.
It also reinforced my belief that the decisions I've made were predestined. So, had my friend written back, whatever he said wouldn't have mattered.
St. John the Apostle is the patron saint of friendship. He was an Apostle of Jesus who was called the "beloved disciple." He obviously knew Jesus so his Gospel is true.
St. John was born in Galilee c.6. On Easter Sunday, he ran to the tomb with Peter. He is the first Apostle to believe that Jesus had risen.
St. John wrote three epistles. He was the last surviving Apostle and the only one to die a natural death. He passed away c.100 in Asia Minor and his feast day is Dec. 27.

(R.I.P. Grandpa Anthony: March 29, 1904 to Oct. 2, 1979)

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