Saturday, March 6, 2010

St. John Chrysostom (c.347 to Sept. 14, 407)

The clean, red sand, warm ocean water, and unspoiled farmland made me wonder why my grandmother Denise left her homeland of Prince Edward Island. But, my dad explained she and her family needed jobs and those were in the mills in New England.
So, at age 18, the Acadian village where she grew up became a memory. She was from the area of Egmont Bay/St. Chrysostom. I went there as a preteen on the ferry and then years later in 2007 after the bridge was built.
The island is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I found it interesting that a place in the Acadian part of Prince Edward Island would be named St. Chrysostom.
He was a bishop born in Antioch c.347. The named means golden-mouthed and St. John Chrysostom was known as a great orator. He died at Commana in Pontius on Sept. 14, 407. He is the patron saint of preachers.

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