Monday, August 16, 2010

St. Bernardino of Siena (Sept. 8, 1380 to May 20, 1444)

A couple a weeks ago, I was in a speeding car that was going so fast, I saw the faces of my deceased relatives flash in front of me. My friend, Bill, who was driving, proceeded to act like he was doing nothing wrong, despite my telling him to slow down numerous times. The other two passengers never said a word.
When we got to Providence, and I stepped out of the car, I made the decision that even though Bill is a nice guy, I will never get in a vehicle with him again, unless I'm behind the wheel.
I got a phone call today that he was in a massive motorcycle accident and is in a hospital in Norwich, Conn. recovering from a punctured lung, broken ribs, and a broken pelvis.
Although he drives like a maniac, I never thought that something so serious would happen to him. As an intuitive female, I've noticed that Bill never quite got over a six-year relationship to a woman that he was engaged to marry. Sometimes I feel like he's given up. I'm not saying that he has a death wish. I'm thinking that maybe he's taking more risks.
St. Bernardino of Siena is the patron saint of the lungs. He was born in Massa Marittima, Italy on Sept. 8, 1380. He was orphaned at age six. He joined the Franciscan Order of the Observants and was ordained in 1404.
St. Bernardino of Siena worked as a missionary. He died on May 20, 1444 in Aquila, Italy and his feast day is May 20.

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